Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012


this weekend, i bought my first pair of spanx.

you see... 
i'm headed to the land of fist pumping and skin tight dresses on friday and i'm slightly paranoid people might see the mcdonalds i ate for lunch last week through my skinny minnie, trashy chic dress options. you know what i mean? my guess is my lovely little spanx will never make it out of my suitcase but let's get real--a girl can never be too prepared.


cheers to popping my spanx cherry!
and happy monday people.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


your graciousness is what carries you.
it isn't how old you are, how young you are, how beautiful you are, or how short your skirt is.
what it is, is what comes out of your heart.
if you are gracious, you have won the game.
-stevie nicks

friday eve.

sometimes all you need is a friend and a bottle of red wine on a wednesday night.
classic pre friday eve activities if i do say so myself. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

please excuse me.

 ...while i go figure out my life on this particularly not-so-special, ordinary day. 
this girl is heading to the coffee shop after work--laptop in tow.


Monday, August 6, 2012


coming down from a great weekend with one of my favorite people of all time.
as i write this at 10:26pm on sunday night she's half way back to saaaan diego and i'm missing her already.
happy monday (blaaaahhh)!

Thursday, August 2, 2012