Tuesday, July 24, 2012

if you really knew me.

-you'd know my ideal breakfast is a bowl full of whipped cream and strawberries.

-you'd know that i'm dying  to be adventurous and move away from my hometown, but i'm scared shitless all at the same time.

-you'd know i'm obsessive about curling my hair--even if it's going up in a ponytail. 

-you'd know i have an embarrassing addiction to reality tv.

-you'd know i love the smell of nectarines like it was my job. 

-you'd know 11 is my lucky number.
-you'd know i'm obsessed with the concept of a lifelong girlfriends... and anything animal print.

-you'd know i'm scared to death of needles and anything medical related.

-you'd know i've somehow become obsessed with ice cream this summer.

-you'd know i'd like to find a man who cooks me grilled cheese shirtless.(right?!)

-you'd know i hate confrontation, but am trying to learn to speak my mind.

-you'd know i'm a crazy worrier and i play scenarios over and over again in my head. 

-you'd know i love decorating cupcakes and frosting cookies.

-you'd know if i don't have a diet coke around 3pm every day at work i feel like my life is over.

-you'd know i'm not a confident flyer--turbulence makes me want to get verrrrry friendly with whoever's sitting next to me.

-you'd know i get gray hair. eeeek!

-you'd know i'm stubborn and hate eating seafood.

-you'd know i believe in the power of an eyelash curler and a good push-up bra.

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